MobieTrain Blog

MobieTrain - The future of work: MobieTrain vs. the Robots

Written by admin | Oct 30, 2018 12:00:00 AM

Let’s be honest. Are you concerned that robots or machines will steal your job? Artificial Intelligence was a key theme at Unleash, the world’s biggest HR event, when we attended last week. But we, for once, are not scared.

Want to know why? Well…IBM’s CEO, Ginni Rometty, phrases it perfectly…

“Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.” —

Ginni Rometty

The Human Factor

Humans are still at the core of our workforce. Everywhere we look, customer experience is every company’s key driver. It’s certainly at the core of MobieTrain, and that is why we were honoured with winning Unleash’s biggest ever startup competition last week. But more on that later…

What really matters is what us winning says about the future of work. Empowering your employees and ‘unleashing’ their potential was the theme of the conference, and this in itself is telling. We weren’t being told to retrain as coders, or pack up our laptops and head for the hills.

Instead, we were shown how more and more companies are, and should be, placing their emphasis on empowering their employees. On using technology, not to replace workers, but to help them…to ‘augment our intelligence’ as Rometty says, and in doing so, to drive real change and results that impact the bottom line.

Augmenting Our Intelligence

Intelligence. Knowledge. Empowerment.

Isn’t it great to see that, despite the doomsday predictions, the mobile and AI revolution still has these values at its core?

And that is why we won at Unleash. As in Rometty’s quote, our mobile-learning platform ‘augments our intelligence’ with technology. It empowers employees, not machines. 

Personalisation is key. And, through integrating Artificial Intelligence into our platform in the coming months, it will help us to improve the performance and job satisfaction of real employees, and improve the customer experience of real customers. We’ve known for a long time that data is our friend. So too is artificial intelligence, if harnessed correctly.

Why microlearning?

“Winning Unleash’s startup competition just reinforces our core idea-that knowledge is power. And micro-learning is the best way for the mobile workforce to not just learn, but use, that knowledge to make real impact.’

Guy Van Neck, Founder, MobieTrain

Unleash has given us even more incentive to keep pushing forwards with our product. Our vision is to set the global standard in mobile-learning, and with victories like this we are getting closer to empowering more and more workforces worldwide. But first, we focus…

‘It’s better to attack the market with a knife instead of a hammer.’  

Jerome Ternynck, Host at Unleash 18 Competition

Our focus on the retail sector, alongside our micro-learning approach, is what gave us the edge on the finale day. But from 2019 onwards, we’ll also be venturing into other industries including financial services, logistics and food and beverages.

The microlearning market is expected to reach USD +14 billion by the end of 2022 with +11 % CAGR during forecast period 2018-2022.

Microlearning is booming. It is driving the future of work, a future that still revolves around employees. And, as our success at Unleash shows, the future of work is now.