MobieTrain Blog

MobieTrain - Let’s Play! - The benefits of game-based learning

Written by Laurent Van Brussel | Nov 16, 2020 8:28:00 AM

Game-based learning is not really a new thing. Think about it, what is more natural than learning by playing a game? As children we played games to copy and practice what our elders showed us. It was the perfect way to absorb new information (often through stories or interaction) and to improve communication and social skills. With the additional stimulation provided by digital equivalents it’s no wonder that digital game-based learning for training purposes is becoming so popular.


We are currently in a phase of massive uptake of game-based learning, with the educational technology industry forecast to grow by a staggering 18.1% between now and 2027*.

Game-based learning (GBL), sometimes referred to as Serious Gaming, essentially refers to a digital solution whereby games are incorporated into the learning process. GBL is often combined with gamification, which means the whole process is converted into a game. The distinction has become blurry and both have the same goals in mind – to stimulate, engage and provide direct feedback to learners to radically improve educational outcomes. From edtech classroom games, to full-size simulators, to mobile-gaming training solutions, teaching and coaching through digital games has already become an unmissable part of a 21st century learning experience.


An increasing body of academic research points to the effectiveness of game-based learning for learners:

  • It’s fun, increasing learner engagement
  • It’s adding excitement and motivation
  • It can easily be layered to add depth to the content
  • It can be personalised to each user, aiding their retention by tailoring practice sessions to their skill level
  • It can be tracked to help teachers and managers better help and understand students.

A recent survey by edtech site found that the majority of teachers questioned believed gamified learning is useful to all learners, and even more so to those lagging behind.

What’s more, for teachers game-based learning is incredibly versatile. Information processing, critical thinking, problem solving and innovation can all be included in a game-based approach to teaching a subject, and that’s in addition to building and testing subject knowledge. This means that a game-based approach also makes for more varied learning, providing a further boost to learner engagement.

MobieTrain’s approach

At MobieTrain we have a completely gamified approach. Our use of personalised learning paths allows users to have clear goals and encourages them along the way with digital rewards. You can opt to include videos, puzzles, quizzes and other gamified elements into the learning track as you make your content.

As mobile gaming has also become the new standard completely normal, we purposely designed MobieTrain as a mobile-first learning platform. Mobile access increases adoption among learners by up to 90%, reaching them wherever they are, whenever they want. And, as nearly all employees have access to a smartphone these days, this also provides an additional cost saving to employers like you.

MobieTrain works brilliantly as a stand-alone, mobile learning system – one in which you have full support from us as you tailor your own branded learning content. Alternatively, it can also be a brilliant addition to any blended learning strategy. If you’re curious to find out which option may suit your organisation best, book your free demo below!