MobieTrain Blog

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Laurent Van Brussel

MobieTrain is HR Tech Company of the Year

“Dit is een bekroning voor onze enorme groeispurt in 2021, met een verdrievoudiging van onze omzet en verdubbeling van het aantal medewerkers. De jury prees ook onze inspanningen om onze technologie te internationaliseren. Na onze recente start in Spanje, maken we ons op om vanuit Madrid de rest van Zuid-Europa aan te boren. Daarnaast blijven we onze app verrijken met nieuwe features zoals social en machine learning, en ook gamification. Dat laat ons toe om drie jaar na de eerste HR Tech award opnieuw een technologieprijs binnen te halen. Ik wil mijn team enorm bedanken voor alle inspanningen. Dit geeft onze organisatie een boost om opnieuw te versnellen”, zegt een ambitieuze CEO Guy Van Neck.

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Corporate Priorities Shift Towards Digital Training

Training: Among the highest of priorities

It seems that organisations are buckling up, and preparing to train their workforce extensively as means of adapting to new work environments. In fact, 64% of companies indicate training is either number one priority or up there with the most precedent issues in the organisation, slowly but surely making its way to the top. This is reflected in the fact that 93% of companies expect their learning budgets to increase, or at the very least stay the same for 2022, an impressive increase from 79% in 2021.

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How to use MobieTrain’s gamification features

How to use MobieTrain’s Gamification Features

What is gamification?

Before we dive into MobieTrain’s exciting gamification features, we would like to define gamification first. In short, gamification is the application of game techniques and principles in a non-gaming context. Those game techniques and principles are especially helpful in an educational environment, as it’s important to keep students engaged. At MobieTrain, we use them to keep your staff motivated while they go through their training content. In our blog, ‘Let’s Play! – The benefits of game-based learning’ we elaborate on the role gamification plays in game-based learning.

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