How to successfully reboard your frontline employees after Covid-19

How to successfully reboard your frontline employees after Covid-19

What is reboarding?

First and foremost, reboarding is not the same as onboarding. In our blog post Onboarding and reboarding employees: essential tips, we fully go into the details of this. Onboarding is for new employees, and reboarding is for employees who return to the company. By making a clear distinction between the two, you’re already 5 steps ahead.  

When an employee returns to the company, whether they were on furlough, laid-off or working remotely, they probably forgot about at least some of your processes. There may also be new ones they aren’t familiar with yet. Covid-19 has changed how businesses operate on all fronts, and your employees need to get used to the new normal. In all of these cases, it’s important to set out a step-by-step process, so your staff can integrate back into the company with ease.

How to approach reboarding in light of Covid-19

Before your staff return to your company, it’s crucial to give them peace of mind. Covid-19 has been hard for a lot of people, and everyone appreciates support during their transition to the new normal. Small gestures like a card or care package can do just that and will make your employees feel welcome again.

As well as applying a personal approach, it’s also important to design a return to work plan. You can do this in collaboration with managers and HR, so both you as a company and your reboarded employees are ready for their return to work. In doing this, it’s crucial to not only develop and implement the plan, but also to track it.

Covid-19 has forced companies to digitalize massively because of the working-from-home culture that came with it. Paper processes are outdated, and so are offline meetings. Reboarding is a great opportunity to continue this trend by re-integrating your returning employees online. In this way, processes are centralized, and your staff know exactly what they still need to receive training on. MobieTrain’s microlearning platform is an excellent tool for this. Not only can you track your employees’ training achievements, you can also ensure their training content allows for self-paced learning. 

Why choose MobieTrain?

Using an online platform that has a mobile-first approach brings you as a company and your reboarded staff together again. With MobieTrain, your employees can not only do their training and stay in contact with their colleagues during work hours, but also outside of them. 

Designing training content with MobieTrain allows you to utilize our gamification features to keep your staff motivated as they progress with different tasks. In this way, you don’t only make them excited to get back into work, you also ensure they’ll be fully up-to-date with the newest processes in your company.

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