Let’s get visual: How to use video content as a learning asset?

Let’s get visual: How to use video content as a learning asset?

They say images speak louder than words. Well, they’re right! Video content is becoming more and more popular as a learning asset. But the key to success is you have to use it right. How, you ask? Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through the do’s and don’ts, and the different options out there. Let’s dive in!

Choose the right type of video

  1. Animated explainer video: This type of video works great for explaining the lengthy history of your company, for instance. Throw an animated drawing of a timeline in there, put a nice voice over on it, et voilà!
  2. Live action tutorial: If you want to demonstrate great customer service, for example, go for a live action tutorial. These are prefect for re-enacting scenarios, or a role play between an employee and a client.
  3. Screen recording: Need to explain a complicated computer system? Then a screen recording is the best choice. You can show your team exactly how to log in, which buttons to click, which menus to unfold, and so on.
  4. Trainer in front of camera: Last but not least, you can also opt to put the trainer – probably yourself – in front of the camera. In this case, you have quite a few options…
    • Trainer in live setting: For example, showing a new collection in store.
    • Trainer with green screen: This offers many possibilities, as the background can be anything you want!
    • Trainer and slides: This way you can put a familiar face next to your trusted slide presentation.

Structure your video content

The key is: Keep it simple! Start with an introduction. Grab your viewers’ attention by raising a question, sharing a personal story, showing a surprising fact, … After you introduced your topic or problem, move on to your first point, for example, an assumption: “You probably think that…”. Then, your second point is the correction of that assumption: “However, actually…”, and your third point can be an extra bit: “And by the way…”. Finally, end your video with an outro, including a call to action.

Identify the perfect video length

Remember, it’s not about quantity, but about quality. Don’t jam a two-hour video in your training, because that’s just as boring as a long text for your audience. As a rule of thumb: Keep it short! One or two minutes is a good minimum length for video content. The absolute maximum, you ask? Five minutes tops. In case you have a great eight-minute video about four topics, then why not breaking it down and splitting it up into four amazing two-minute videos? It’s just a tip!

Optimize your composition and presentation

Yes, appearance does matter! Our golden tip to you: use the rule of thirds as a composition guideline to create appealing shots. Place your presenter in the center with his/her eyes at the same level as the top horizontal line. But of course, it’s not just about where you place your presenter in the frame, but also how he or she presents. It’s important to articulate well, use proper intonation, and go slightly over the top. Nervous? Don’t focus on how you feel, focus on how you want to make your audience feel. And don’t forget to smile!

Use these handy tools for video content

  • Canva: Allows you to create high-quality videos without having to be a professional video editor.
  • Wave.video: Another easy video creation tool to help you get started.
  • Loom: A user-friendly, free screen recording tool.
  • Fiverr: Find the right freelancers for all your video needs (creation, cutting, transcription, subtitling, etc.)

Would you like some more guidance on how to use video content as a learning asset? We’ve got you covered! Contact us at hello@mobietrain.com.

Source: ‘Getting started in video-based learning’ webinar by Digital Learning Institute

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