MobieTrain Blog

Don’t fight the change – BE the change

Remember when you learned to ride a bike or when you learned to swim on your own? What about that feeling when you learned to read, write and do math? We don’t even need to go back in time that much! Do you remember when you finished high school and got your college or university degree? Do you remember how happy it made you feel? How proud you, your friends and family were? Tell us: so why would you put a hold on that wonderful experience and stop learning as soon as you have a degree?! 

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How to learn in the flow of work

It can be a challenge to feel really engaged while learning, can’t it? Have you ever wondered why that is? Our jam-packed days aren’t making it any easier. There’s barely time left for ourselves, let alone learning new skills!  

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3 L&D mistakes you never want to make again:

Overcome these common L&D mistakes and get the best out of your team!

Today, learning and development are becoming more and more important for millennials hunting for a new job. And they are a force to be reckoned with! According to research by ManpowerGroup, millennials and Gen Z made up as much as 35% and 24% of the global workforce in 2020. This means: no more excuses to ignore this group and their L&D needs! But how can you make sure that you, as a company, give your team what they really want/need? Fear not, we’ll walk you through it step by step in this blog article. We’ve gathered the best tips and tricks for you to avoid 3 common L&D mistakes. Let’s dive in!

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MobieTrain donates to ‘Bednet’

MobieTrain is happy to support Bednet in this amazing initiative to help every child to get the right to education, even when not being able to attend classes in person. Aligning with MobieTrain’s mission: ‘making learning accessible to everyone’.

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MobieTrain is HR Tech Company of the Year

“Dit is een bekroning voor onze enorme groeispurt in 2021, met een verdrievoudiging van onze omzet en verdubbeling van het aantal medewerkers. De jury prees ook onze inspanningen om onze technologie te internationaliseren. Na onze recente start in Spanje, maken we ons op om vanuit Madrid de rest van Zuid-Europa aan te boren. Daarnaast blijven we onze app verrijken met nieuwe features zoals social en machine learning, en ook gamification. Dat laat ons toe om drie jaar na de eerste HR Tech award opnieuw een technologieprijs binnen te halen. Ik wil mijn team enorm bedanken voor alle inspanningen. Dit geeft onze organisatie een boost om opnieuw te versnellen”, zegt een ambitieuze CEO Guy Van Neck.

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