MobieTrain Blog

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Let’s get visual: How to use video content as a learning asset?

Let’s get visual: How to use video content as a learning asset?

They say images speak louder than words. Well, they’re right! Video content is becoming more and more popular as a learning asset. But the key to success is you have to use it right. How, you ask? Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through the do’s and don’ts, and the different options out there. Let’s dive in!

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How to use MobieTrain’s gamification features

How to use MobieTrain’s Gamification Features

What is gamification?

Before we dive into MobieTrain’s exciting gamification features, we would like to define gamification first. In short, gamification is the application of game techniques and principles in a non-gaming context. Those game techniques and principles are especially helpful in an educational environment, as it’s important to keep students engaged. At MobieTrain, we use them to keep your staff motivated while they go through their training content. In our blog, ‘Let’s Play! – The benefits of game-based learning’ we elaborate on the role gamification plays in game-based learning.

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Let’s Play! – The benefits of game-based learning

Game-based learning is not really a new thing. Think about it, what is more natural than learning by playing a game? As children we played games to copy and practice what our elders showed us. It was the perfect way to absorb new information (often through stories or interaction) and to improve communication and social skills. With the additional stimulation provided by digital equivalents it’s no wonder that digital game-based learning for training purposes is becoming so popular.

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Chunking learning method: what is it & research

Parlez vous français ? Or, do you play an instrument perhaps? Have you ever wondered how it is you are able to do either? How the information that allows you to do these things is built up in your brain, until it becomes a skill you no longer have to think about? Well, that’s in part thanks to chunking. Understand chunking and you’ll be on your way to not just boosting your own learning but improving the effectiveness of your trainings too. Let’s break it down into bite-size chunks…

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The world is your content oyster: how to get started

The MobieTrain platform is all yours! Great! But now what? Where do you start? Well, before we are even going to explain our different content creation options, we would like to just take a minute and say: we’re so excited to have you on board! You’re about to empower your employees with a fantastic training method, that’s already a great start on its own!

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